
.BSC_fiveCardPokerWithStats( ).use-case{

Project Name: .BSC_fiveCardPokerWithStats( )

Description: User will execute a program to play a basic game of five card poker. Please test input with integers and non-integers!

Technical Highlights: Application of two dimensional ArrayList objects to store dynamically generated random data. Use of loops and conditional if statements to prevent drawings and storage of repeated objects. Use of @Override annotation to override ArrayList toString() method, and thereby replacing hashcode output with descriptive information.


.BSC_fiveCardPokerWithStats( ).exe{

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.BSC_fiveCardPokerWithStats( ).codeBlock{

Please copy and paste below code into an IDE of your choice! Please utilize an offline IDE. When using an online IDE, a host specific API may be required.


.BSC_fiveCardPokerWithStats( ).GitHub{

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